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Prof. Dr. med. P. ProhmProf Prohm Chief of the Department WuppertalProf Prohm Chief of the Department Wuppertal

Prof. Dr. Prohm  teaches at the University of Düsseldorf and Witten Herdecke, is an approved specialist surgeon, and has the additional title "proctologist" from the AEKNO.

He is member of the following medical societies: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Visceralchirurgie, American Society of Colorectal Surgeons, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie

He is internationally and nationally prominent with his numerous scientific lectures and papers. He qualified as a professor with his research in immunnotherapy in colon cancer. The habilitation treatise is titled: "adjuvant therapy of colorectal cancer with BCG-vaccine"  and has been submitted on Witten/Herdecke University in 1990. In 1996 followed the nomination as Professor.

Before his activity as a chief physician, Prof. Prohm worked for 10 years as a  practitioner coloproctologist. Prof. Prohm is represented in the Focus-List (proctology) as one of the best physicians. This is found found in the corresponding published book.

Since 2010 Prof.  Prohm is an international Fellow of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS). Additionally he is a member of German Society fo Photography (DGPh).



Dr. med. M. KowallikM. Kowallik MDM. Kowallik MD

Born in 1974, Dr. Kowallik obtained his medical degree at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in year 2002. In 2006 he finished his dissertation at the same Unviversity.

Already at an early stage he improved his skills on the field of surgery and radiology in Germany, Poland, Spain and the USA. He worked as an resident physician in dept. of surgery in city of Leverkusen and later in Ratingen.  Since 2007 he was active as assistant surgeon in department of coloproctology of the St Antonius St Josef Verbund in Wuppertal  under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. P. Prohm. Medical specialist for surgery, since 2009 Proctology, then senior physician of the department with realm three-dimensional EUS. Since 01.01.2012 Dr Kowallik works in Magen Darm Zentrum Wiener Platz and EVKK Köln Kalk Hospital.

Between 2004 and 2007 he was active in the Police Department of Leverkusen as a Police dept. physician. Since 2010 he has a additional training as DQG-Quality agent, also auditor in welfare and health care.

In the year 2010 Dr Kowallik organized the certified advanced training "3D endo-sonography of the pelvic floor - practical interactive course on the device" part 1 and 2 (patronage DGAV and DGK, CACP). Since then he regularly organizes these events. The elaboration of the contents for these courses results from collaboration with well-known international experts on the field of pelvic floor and EUS.


Dr. Kowallik is a fellow of the following associations:

Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie e.V. (DGK)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie (DGAV)
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Koloproktologie (CACP)
Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Endoskopien und Sonographie (CAES)
Deutsche Morbus Crohn/Colitis Ulzerosa Vereinigung (DCCV e.V)
European Society for Coloproctology (ESCP)
Verein der Koloproktologen an Rhein und Ruhr (VKRR)
Berufsverband der Koloproktologen Deutschlands e.V. (BCD. e.V.)


Dr. med. T. Kuruc

Born in 1970.  He successfully completed his medical studies at the Free University of Berlin in 1999. This was followed by 18 months in the urological clinic on the Benjamin Franklin University campus. Bild Dr med. T. KurucBild Dr med. T. Kuruc

Here he already worked as a teacher in urological sonography in student classes, where he gained special insights into the male pelvic floor. The specialist training in surgery took place in 2005 in Düsseldorf. After 2007 he received special polish in the Department of Coloproctology of Prof. Dr. Peter Prohm in Wuppertal.

Since 2013 he has been head of the Department of Coloproctology at Petruskrankenhaus Wuppertal with a special focus on laser surgery in proctology in the treatment of hemorrhoids, fistulas and pilonidal sinus as well as palliative tumor treatment.

For more than 10 years, he has been passing on his practical knowledge in 3D endosonography of the anorectum to the professional audience in the courses led by Dr. Kowallik.   

He is a member of the following professional societies:

American Society of Colorectal Surgeons,

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie,

Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft e.V.

European Society for Coloproctology (ESCP).

Verein der Koloproktologen an Rhein und Ruhr (VKRR)


Johannes PaedeJohannes Paede - BK medical product specialistJohannes Paede - BK medical product specialist

Born in 1960. Originally coming from the automobile sector, where he qualified under particular promotion in the field of electronic ignition and fuel injection systems, J. Paede changed his activity area to the public health sector and finished his formation as a registered nurse. He then worked several years in an intensive care unit.

As a seller and applicator of coloured-doppler cardiography devices, he applied his experience and tecnical skills. Afterwards he did further training in social management and an advanced training course in desinfection, were he became a certificated desinfector.

Further activity as application engineer in a research and development department with focus on processing of endoscope devices and surgical intruments. Further he absolved DECHEMA training on the subject of corrosion. Since 1996 he work as a product specialist by BK Medical with main focus on pelvic floor.

Codevelopment of the project "autologic cellular therapy for treatment of anal incontinence". Then continuing education as a tecnical coach. J. Paede internationally  established himself and is characterized by pronounced tecnical understanding and extraordinary creativity. This is reflected in his long list of publications. Additionally he is a patent co-owner and EP0818950B1 und co-Author of book "Atlas of the 3d EUS of the pelvic floor" (Edit: medical-publishing.com; 1. Edition 2011 ISBN-10: 3941022075 ISBN-13: 978-3941022072) (see also the links page)

He supports our courses with his knowledge and direct tecnical assistance, as well as lecturing onultrasound and its applications. With his help, we can clarify our clinical daily routine and tecnical problems immediately during the event.