Endosono.net - anorektaler und pelvic floor - 3d-Ultraschall - Simulationskurse
Winner West Germany Prestige Awards - Corporate LiveWire - Medical Course Specialist 2020/21
Fistel am After, Schließmuskel Defekt, Abszeß, Tumor, pelvic floor Erkrankungen- alle diese Veränderungen können sie selbst beurteilen
Dear colleagues,
Our courses in three-dimensional sonography of anal canal and rectum not only convey the theoretical background, but give you the opportunity as a participant to practice directly what you learn. Every participant is provided with an ultrasound device and simulation model in order to practice simultaneously during our presentation.
Our courses are aimed at colleagues which have already gathered experience in the field of anal and rectal endosonography, as well as those who would like to get to know this field.
Why should I attend a course? What are the advantages?
- The content that is learned can be used directly in everyday life
- Pelvic floor diseases can be assessed easily, quickly and reliably
- You learn a consistent treatment concept – from the anamnesis-diagnostic-surgical procedure and treatment control
- Pathological changes can be calculated
- You gain security and do not need help with assessment of the pelvic floor
- Difficult problems on the pelvic floor, combined and complex cases of illness are easily uncovered
- You will be able to offer the latest and best for your patients
- You generate higher revenue through better patient recruitment
- You can establish interdisciplinary assessment for your pelvic floor centre
- You can assess patients pre- and postoperatively quickly and objectively and continuously increase your medical performance
- You can work with the latest technology and find new impulses for your work by exchanging ideas with colleagues.
These are all offered courses:
Course part 1 -3D endosonography of the pelvic floor - practical interactive course on the device - anal/rectal endosonography
This interactive course offers an opportunity to learn the techniques of EUS assessment of the anal canal and rectum. The course will be performed directly on the scanner, each participant can work with his particular scanner. That means a very practical training and finding of individual structures to obtain the right diagnosis, which is immediately useful for the clinical work. The course is available for physicians already heaving skills in EUS or newcomers to that field.
In this course you will have the option to work on real clinical cases, which have been uploaded to each scanner. These will be discussed and explained. Due to a compact group of participants (max. 15 persons), and to the availability of an ultrasonic device for two participants, a very hands-on learning is guaranteed.
The training includes the assesment of:
- Normal anatomy of the anal canal and rectum
- Differences in anatomy between man / woman
- Differences in anal canal / rectum
- Assessment of sphincter defect
- Assessment of abscesses
- Assessment of anal fistulas
- Staging for rectal / anal cancers
The duration of the event is 8 hours (1 day), Included is one patient's examination
Lunch buffet and a coffee are included.
The participation will be honoured with 10 CME points AEKNO.
For further information go to schedule page. For registration please use the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Course part 2 -3D endosonography of the pelvic floor - practical interactive courseon the device - special tecniques for pelvic floor diagnostic
This interactive course part 2 offers an opportunity to learn the techniques of the EUS assessment of the whole pelvic floor. The course will be performed directly on the scanner, each participant can work with his particular scanner.That means a very practical training and finding of individual structures to obtain the right diagnosis, which is immediately useful for the clinical work.
The course is available for physicians already heaving skills in EUS or newcomers to that field.
In this course you will have the option to work on real clinical cases, which have been uploaded to each scanner. These will be discussed and explained. Due to a compact group of participants (max. 15 persons), and to the availability of an ultrasonic device for two participants, a very hands-on learning is guaranteed.
The training includes the assesment of:
- Normal anatomy of the pelvic floor
- Differences in anatomy between man / woman
- Different access possibilities
- perineal EUS
- transanal EUS
- transvaginal EUS
- Assessment of pelvic floor insufficiency
- Assessment of cystocelen
- Assessment of uretrocele
- Assessment of rectocele
- Assessment of enterocele
- Evaluation of implanted material (TVT)
- Assessment of bladder neck blood perfusion
- Assessment of RV fistula
The cases would be worked on real clinical examples.
The necessary techniques to obtain these images will be shown. The participants can work with latest-generation equipment. In a manner analogous to course part 1, two participants work on one device. A rotation to get familiar with different devices is certainly possible.
The potential of these devices will be shown to our course participants. The course additionally offers an opportunity to exchange experiences and even find some solutions for contingent problems.
The duration of the event is 8 hours (1 day). Included is one patient's examination.
Lunch buffet and a coffee are included. The participation will be honoured with 10 CME points AEKNO.
For further information go to schedule page. For registration please use the contact form.
Course part 3 - clinical diagnostics and staging of anal and rectal cancer with 3D endosonography - practical interactive course on the device
This interactive course part 3 offers an opportunity to learn the techniques of the EUS assessment of anal and rectal cancer and other tumor types . The course will be performed directly on the scanner, each participant can work with his particular scanner. That means a very practical training and finding of individual structures to obtain the right diagnosis, which is immediately useful for the clinical work.
The course is available for physicians already heaving skills in EUS or newcomers to that field.
In this course you will have the option to work on real clinical cases, which have been uploaded to each scanner. These will be discussed and explained. Due to a compact group of participants (max. 15 persons), and to the availability of an ultrasonic device for two participants, a very hands-on learning is guaranteed.
The training includes the assesment of:
- Normal anatomy of anal canal and rectum
- Differences in anatomy between man / woman
- Different access possibilities and strategies
- right preparation of examination
- anal 3D EUS
- 3D EUS using water baloon
- staging analcarcinoma
- staging rectalcarcinoma
- therapy anal- and rectal cancer
- severe tumors in anal canal and rectum
- pitfalls
- restaging and difficulties
The cases would be worked on real clinical examples.
The necessary techniques to obtain these images will be shown. The participants can work with latest-generation equipment. In a manner analogous to course part 1, two participants work on one device. A rotation to get familiar with different devices is certainly possible.
The potential of these devices will be shown to our course participants. The course additionally offers an opportunity to exchange experiences and even find some solutions for contingent problems.
The duration of the event is 8 hours (1 day). Lunch buffet and a coffee are included. The participation will be honoured with 10 CME points AEKNO.
We would like to invite you to attend this event
For further information go to schedule page. For registration please use the contact form.
We also offer individual courses with separately-calculated fees.
our workshop room with beamer and ultrasound scanner
Magen Darm Zentrum
Wiener Platz
Genovevestrasse 9
51065 Köln